The Seasons over.

Will Zoyroydis
Yours truly looking very tired after another long day in the sun.

I’d like to start this post with a heartfelt thank you to all our divers from both near and far who came to us with an interest in diving with us on Symi. You’ve kept our little dive center open and we are grateful.

I’m sure many of you know, its been a big year for our little family dive center, with us opening in June, getting married in June and having a baby by July. But thank you for being patient and baring with us when we were only getting a few hours sleep over August.

We’ve had a lovely time diving with you all, it’s been a fantastic journey over the summer. Together we’ve discovered a few new wrecks, some beautiful dive sites and some underwater locals to keep us entertained.

We’ve seen loads of these locals on the new sunset turtle dive!

We will be closing our doors largely over the next few months, but still be available with plenty of notice over the months of November and December for those locals who didn’t get a chance to dive over the summer months due to work.

Our dive center will be open again in April ready for you all with some newly discovered locations for diving. I’m 100% sure I wont be able to explore the whole island over the winter by myself though, so for those of you who are more adventurous, I’m sure there will be some amazing places to discover over the summer months together.

We have some big plans in the works over the next few months also that will hopefully bare fruit by the summer, so keep an eye open for that.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the summer as much as we have.

Keep blowing bubbles.

Vasilis William Zoyroydis – Owner and MSDT at BLD

Need a change? It’s not so difficult…

The World needs more Dive Professionals! Covid-19 has been tough on a lot of people, but people in the tourism industry were hit really very hard by the Pandemic.

With border closures, travel bans and a fear of people from other places gripping the world, a lot of divers have decided to pack it in and get a “normal job”. More fool them.

With the end in sight, vaccines being distributed and people travelling again, the Diving Industry is currently desperate for divers.

Check out this classified section of Dive Centres looking for PADI instructors currently. New posts are being added daily and there are a large portion of them available here in Greece.

Now is the perfect time to break the rut you may be in and teach the world to dive. I know for myself, when living in the UK, I found myself looking for something more (mostly Sun to be honest). Teaching diving was the opportunity I needed, to travel the world, meet new people and cultures and do a job with a physically/mentally demanding/rewarding aspect to it.

We are very lucky in our first year of opening, to have a good friend of mine join us. He is a PADI Course Director and TecDive instructor with a lifetime of experience under his belt. He will be offering this year an opportunity to develop your skills as an instructor and push yourselves in ways you never thought possible. So regardless of experience level, if you want to spend the day teaching people to dive in the beautiful blue Mediterranean and celebrate another successful day of work with a beer on a beach. Diving might just be for you. If you might be interested in changing career, travelling the world for work or just get out of the same old routine back home, send us a message and we’ll give you the “gods honest truth” about what you can expect from a career as a PADI Pro.

No pressure except the pressure underwater.


Why dive on Symi?

So I thought I might do the first blog post on just why I think everyone will enjoy diving with us on Symi.

To those of you that don’t know me well, my name is Will (or Vasilis or Billy or Anglos depending on who you are). I was born on the island of Symi (a small island a few miles from Rhodes in the Dodecanese), but raised in the UK. I Grew up visiting Symi every summer to visit family that live on the island. Eventually, after picking Diving as my career and getting to work all around the world (the warmer the location the better, am I right?), Symi would be the place I would come home to at the end of each contract.

Looking back on my career up to this point, I feel I’m in a position now to give my two cents on what makes a great diving location.


Ok, I’m joking… It’s fun to dive with sharks don’t get me wrong and to that end, its fun to dive with any rare and interesting creature that few people on the planet get to say they’ve met. I’ve seen some amazing creatures do some amazing things. Like the time I saw sharks mating or rescued a turtle or danced with a cuttlefish. I’m not going to list everything off, come talk to me in person and I’ll gladly have a beer/coffee with you and chat about my stories of the ocean. Experiences like that are great and they’ll stay in my memories, but their not my best times in diving.

For me, on a personal level, the best times I had diving came from when I found divers I felt at home with (even on the other side of the planet). That’s what I want to offer to you all. A place where even if you’ve never met us, you can come in and have a chat about anything and everything. We’ll give you the best advice we can based on our honest experience and we’ll strive to always do right by our fellow divers. We want YOU to have fun.

Sure, we have almost too many wrecks to count waiting to be discovered (the refugee crisis was very tough on the Greek islands, but that’s a story for another day).

Yes, we have a pod of dolphins that live in the area.

Certainly, we have an abundance of rays, fish, octopus and morays (all of which are very safe I may add).

Indeed, we have some spectacularly well lit cave systems to explore (experienced divers only).

And of course the water here is crystal clear like a swimming pool to the point it feels more like flying than swimming.

But its the community we want to build with you all that makes us hope we’ll see you all year after year and help you all grow your knowledge and experience as divers.

If this combined with a picturesque location full of great food and amazing beaches are something you might be interested in, then Symi might be the next holiday location for you to visit.

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