The Seasons over.

Will Zoyroydis
Yours truly looking very tired after another long day in the sun.

I’d like to start this post with a heartfelt thank you to all our divers from both near and far who came to us with an interest in diving with us on Symi. You’ve kept our little dive center open and we are grateful.

I’m sure many of you know, its been a big year for our little family dive center, with us opening in June, getting married in June and having a baby by July. But thank you for being patient and baring with us when we were only getting a few hours sleep over August.

We’ve had a lovely time diving with you all, it’s been a fantastic journey over the summer. Together we’ve discovered a few new wrecks, some beautiful dive sites and some underwater locals to keep us entertained.

We’ve seen loads of these locals on the new sunset turtle dive!

We will be closing our doors largely over the next few months, but still be available with plenty of notice over the months of November and December for those locals who didn’t get a chance to dive over the summer months due to work.

Our dive center will be open again in April ready for you all with some newly discovered locations for diving. I’m 100% sure I wont be able to explore the whole island over the winter by myself though, so for those of you who are more adventurous, I’m sure there will be some amazing places to discover over the summer months together.

We have some big plans in the works over the next few months also that will hopefully bare fruit by the summer, so keep an eye open for that.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the summer as much as we have.

Keep blowing bubbles.

Vasilis William Zoyroydis – Owner and MSDT at BLD

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