Thank you for a great Summer!

This summer was a super exciting season for us! We hope you all enjoyed it as much as us.

With the help of some of you, we managed to: rediscover a German E-boat sunk by allied aircraft during WW2; we found a brand new cavern system with a beautiful open fresh air pocket; we discovered sites laden with previously hidden historic gems that we are now in a position to protect and many more fantastic new sites to dive.

Still on the to-do-list: rediscover the crash landing sites of at least 2 WW2 aircraft; to map and establish safe routes in some other caverns for Certified Divers; explore some more of the island still left unmapped.

We hope you will all continue to join us on this journey.

So whilst many of you have gone home now for the end of your holidays, we’ll be keeping the Dive Center open during the winter. Soon enough our boat will be back in the water after the end of season servicing for some exciting boat dives for any of you brave souls wishing to dive in a slightly chillier ocean.

See you all very soon I hope!

Vasilis and the rest of our team!

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